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Porter Ridge Soccer Club

Porter Ridge Soccer Club

Registration Listing

2025-2026 Club Soccer

PRAA's Classic Soccer Program is dedicated to the proper development and training of our players. In the Classic Soccer Program there will be a heavier emphasis on the competitive side of our soccer program. The players will receive a more advanced training regimen with a greater focus on the technical and tactical aspects of the game. The players are expected to hold themselves to a higher standard and are pushed by the coaching staff to continue developing their talent and skill. Players are expected to attend ALL practices and games.  
The Classic Soccer Program is operated and played under the umbrella of the North Carolina Youth Soccer Association. Our club is grouped in the "West" region of North Carolina. There are 4 divisions in the league, Third, Second, First and Premier. Teams can be promoted and relegated to divisions. By participating in the Classic Leagues teams can expect greater competition which helps the players develop more dynamically by playing teams from across the West region of the state.
All PRAA soccer teams are coached by trained and knowledgeable coaches. We take our coaches "soccer education" very seriously. All coaches are encouraged to continue developing their coaching knowledge and experience each year and many have obtained various levels of licensing. As the players grow and develop, the coaches must also follow the same suit. The coaching staff is carefully selected to meet the needs and abilities of the players. Our Coaching staff aims to be effective in the implementation of an age and developmentally tuned curriculum that is specific for our players in our club which follows in compliance with The United States Soccer Federation.  

U17 Girls (Birth Year 2009)

Registration closes on 05/31/2025 at 12:00 PM
Season Dates: 08/01/2025 to 12/31/2025
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U16 Girls (Birth Year 2010)

Registration closes on 05/31/2025 at 12:00 PM
Season Dates: 08/01/2025 to 12/31/2025
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U18 Girls (Birth Year 2007-2008)

Registration closes on 05/31/2025 at 12:00 PM
Season Dates: 08/01/2025 to 12/31/2025
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Registration Listing

2025 Spring Rec Soccer Registration

Interested in playing soccer? Come and play for the REC Soccer Association of the year!
REC soccer is the entry level soccer program offered by Porter Ridge Athletic Association, and the gateway for future soccer within the North Carolina Youth Soccer Association (NCYSA).
Teams practice twice during the week (1x per week for U6) and have games at the weekend within the Union county Area. Games are typically on Saturday mornings.
(U7 and up) Teams compete within the Union County Youth Soccer League and typically play 8 games a season. In addition, there is an entry to the end of season tournament, for all teams U7 and up.
U6 practice once a week at either Hemby Bridge Elementary or Stallings Elementary. U6 Play all their games in house, either 6pm on Fridays or 9am on Saturdays.
REC Soccer emphasizes teaching and learning of core soccer skills over results, aiming to build in fundamentals to help players get ready for the next stage of soccer. All our coaches are highly enthusiastic volunteers who have all completed risk assessment courses within the past year.
If you are interested in coaching with us this season, please email [email protected] and we'll get back to you asap! Head Coaches will receive a discount on their registration.

Price of registration does not include uniform as we partner with Icarus Soccer to provide high quality uniform, based on feedback we have received from end of season surveys. The cost of registration has been adjusted to account for this. Our uniform lasts from the Fall to the Spring, so if you are a returning player from Fall 2024, you do not need to purchase a new one!

U4 Coed

Registration closes on 02/08/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/01/2025 to 05/31/2025

U5 & U6 Coed

Registration closes on 02/08/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/01/2025 to 05/31/2025

U7 Coed

Registration closes on 02/08/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/01/2025 to 05/31/2025

U8 Boys

Registration closes on 02/08/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/01/2025 to 05/31/2025

U8 Girls

Registration closes on 02/08/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/01/2025 to 05/31/2025

U9 Boys

Registration closes on 02/08/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/01/2025 to 05/31/2025

U10 Boys

Registration closes on 02/08/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/01/2025 to 05/31/2025

U9 & U10 Girls

Registration closes on 02/08/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/01/2025 to 05/31/2025

U11 & U12 Boys

Registration closes on 02/08/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/01/2025 to 05/31/2025

U11 & U12 Girls

Registration closes on 02/08/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/01/2025 to 05/31/2025

U13 & U14 Boys

Registration closes on 02/08/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/01/2025 to 05/31/2025

U15 & U16 Boys

Registration closes on 02/08/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 03/01/2025 to 05/31/2025

US Soccer Birth Year and Season Matrix:

When determining the age group for a season, the year the season ends should be used for determining the birth year. Also note that the format “U followed by age” really means that age and younger. For example, U8 should be read as 8 and younger.


Porter Ridge Soccer Club
6701 Indian Trail Fairview Rd 
Indian Trail, North Carolina 28079

Email: [email protected]

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